12 labours of hercules blavatski
12 labours of hercules blavatski

Repairing to the city of Kusasthalî, he found it much altered,” because, according to the allegorical explanation of the commentator, “Krishna had reclaimed from the sea a portion of the country,” which means in plain language that the continents had all been changed meanwhile-and “had renovated the city”-or rather built a new one, Dvârakâ for one reads in the Bhagavata-Purâna† that Kuúasthali was founded and built by Raivata within the sea and subsequent discoveries showed that it was the same, or on the same spot, as Dvârakâ. In stature],* reduced in vigour, and enfeebled in intellect. “Being thus instructed by the Lotus-born, Raivata returned (with his daughter) to earth, where he found the race of men dwindled in stature [see what is said in the Stanzas and Commentaries of the races of mankind gradually decreasing

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Then the Rajâ Raivata is told to proceed to Kusasthali, his ancient capital, which was now called Dvârakâ, and where reigned in his stead a portion of the divine being (Vishnu) in the person of Baladeva, the brother of Krishna, regarded as the seventh incarnation of Vishnu whenever Krishna is taken as a full divinity. You must therefore bestow this virgin-gem upon some other husband. Now on earth the twenty-eighth great age of the present Manu is nearly finished and the Kali period is at hand. Then Brahmâ asked him whom he wished for a son-in-law, and upon hearing a few personages named, the Father of the World smiled and said: “Of those whom you have named the third and fourth generation no longer survive, for many successions of ages have passed away while you were listening to our songsters. When they had finished, Raivata prostrated himself and explained his perplexity. Upon his arrival, Hahâ, Huhû, and other Gandharvas were singing before the throne, and Raivata, waiting till they had done, imagined that but one Muhûrta (instant) had passed, whereas long ages had elapsed. Raivata, a grandson of Saryati, Manu’s fourth son, finding no man worthy of his lovely daughter, repaired with her to Brahma’s region to consult the God in this emergency. Now we find in the Vishnu-Purâna a complete corroboration of the statement made in the Secret Teachings, of which Puranic allegory the following is a short summary: That he was borrowed by the Greeks from the Egyptians is certain, the more so as the Greeks place his birth at Thebes, and only his twelve labours at Argos.

12 labours of hercules blavatski

The Occult Doctrine explains that Hercules was the last incarnation of one of the seven “Lords of the Flame,” as Krishna’s brother, Baladeva that his incarnations occurred during the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Root-Races, and that his worship was brought into Egypt from Lankâ and India by the later immigrants. He says: “Hercules was born amongst the Indians and, like the Greeks, they furnish him with a club and lion’s hide.” Both are (lords) of the race (cûla) of Heri (Heri-cul-es) of which the Greeks might have made the compound Hercules.* Diodorus has the same legend with some variety. The ancient classical writers so well understood this truth that they unanimously attributed to Asia the origin of Hercules.Ī section of the Mahâbhârata is devoted to the history of the Hercûla, of which race was Vyâsa. Now one must read the Purânas with the Esoteric key in one’s hand in order to find out how on almost every page they corroborate the Secret Doctrine. Hercules is of Indian origin, and-his Biblical chronology put aside-Colonel Tod was quite right in his suggestion that he was Balarama or Baladeva. as they affirm, is one of the twelve (great Gods), who were reproduced from the earlier eight Gods 17,000 years before the year of Amasis.

12 labours of hercules blavatski

the name was never borrowed by Egypt from Greece.

12 labours of hercules blavatski

Of the Grecian Hercules I could in no part of Egypt procure any knowledge. This Hercules, according to what the priests told Herodotus, was not Grecian, for he says: The antiquity of the Mysteries may be inferred from the history of the worship of Hercules in Egypt. Their establishment is attributed in the Secret Works to the King-Initiates of the divine dynasties, when the “Sons of God” had gradually allowed their country to become Kukarmadeœa (the land of vice). The Mysteries were imparted to the elect of that Race when the average Atlantean had begun to fall too deeply into sin to be trusted with the secrets of Nature. If the first appearance of those institutions is a matter of historical tradition with regard to some of the later nations, their origin must certainly be assigned to the time of the Fourth Root Race.

12 labours of hercules blavatski

Blavatsky Collected Writings, Volume 14 Īll that is explained in the preceding Sections and a hundredfold more was taught in the Mysteries from time immemorial.

12 labours of hercules blavatski